Speaker(s) indicated in italic. *on invitation
*January, 2025: “The Political Economy of Meat System Transformation”, De-Fund Meat Conference, Max Planck Institute, Heidelberg (L. P. Fesenfeld)
January, 2025: “The social norm effects of carbon taxes”, Annual Meeting of the Swiss Political Science Association, Geneva (L. P. Fesenfeld, S. Constantino, G. Sparkman, E. Weber)
December 05, 2024: “Sustainable Energy System Transition”, Response Symposium 2024, ETH Zurich, Zurich/Switzerland (T. Schmidt)
*December, 2024: “Political Economy of Food System Transformation”, Response Symposium, Zürich (L. P. Fesenfeld)
November 25, 2024: “Policy Designs to Incentivize Solar PV Installations Optimized for Winter Generation – a Case Study of Switzerland”, APPAM Fall conference, National Harbor/USA (M. Đukan, D. Giger, N. Schmid, T. Schmidt)
November 23, 2024: “The exposure of labor (and skills) to the low-carbon transition in Europe”, APPAM Fall conference, National Harbor/USA (F. Zaussinger, T. Schmidt, F. Egli)
November 21, 2024: “Energy Transitions in an Era of Protectionist Global Climate Policy”, ETH Industry Day, Zurich (Bessie Noll)
November 06, 2024: “Welche Emissionen sind wirklcih schwer zu vermeiden? Und wie gehen wir mit ihnen um?”, 23. EnAW Fachtagung, Zurich/Switzerland (V. Dufour, K. Sievert, B. Steffen, A. Bardow, T. Schmidt)
October 28, 2024: “Making governments better at picking winners – towards a technology-smart tgreen industrial policy”, MISES Workshop and Advances in Climate Technologies, Mannheim /Germany (T. Schmidt)
*October 14, 2024: “The Energy Transition in an Era of Protectionist Global Climate Policy”, Café Scientifique, Zurich (Bessie Noll)
*October, 2024: “Pathways for the Future of the Swiss Food System”, Pro Natura Landwirtschaftstagung, Solothurn (L. P. Fesenfeld)
*September 17, 2024: “Learning in geothermal power and heat generation”, Celle Drilling, Celle/Germany (F. Mueller, B. Steffen, T.S. Schmidt)
September 17, 2024: “E-Mobility versus synthetic fuels in economically developing nations’ road transport”, iTEM Meeting/Workshop, United Nations, Geneva (Bessie Noll)
*September, 2024: “Positive Tipping Points for Climate Change Mitigation”, K3 Kongress für Klimakommunikation, Graz (L. P. Fesenfeld)
June 27, 2024: " The internationalization of global renewable energy finance", 45th IAEE International Conference, Istanbul/Turkey. (S. Eberhart, T.S. Schmidt, B. Steffen, F. Egli)
June 26, 2024: "Incentivizing winter solar PV production in regions with seasonal weather patterns", IAEE 45th International Conference Istanbul “Energy Sustainability, Security, Efficiency and Accessibility in a Time of Transition”, Boğaziçi Üniversitesi, Istanbul. (M. Dukan, D. Giger, N. Schmid, T.S. Schmidt)
June 18, 2024: “Assessing the role of direct air capture for hard-to-abate emissions” (poster), 3rd International Conference on Negative CO2 Emissions 2024, Oxford University, Oxford/United Kingdom. (K. Sievert, T.S. Schmidt, B. Steffen)
June 17, 2024: “Shifts in demand for labor and skills due to the low-carbon transition in Europe”, Int. Sust. Transitions Conference (IST), Oslo/Norway (F. Zaussinger, T. Schmidt, F. Egli)
June 17, 2024: " Transforming intermediaries to accelerate sustainability transitions: The case of the World Bank Group and clean energy technology deployment", International Sustainability Transitions Conference 2024, University of Oslo, Oslo/Norway. (A. Pineda, F. Egli, T.S. Schmidt)
May 01, 2024: “Carbon Footprint Distributions of Lithium-Ion Batteries and Their Materials”, Stanford Energy Research Showcase, Stanford University, Stanford/USA. (L. Peiseler, V. Schenker, K. Schatzmann, S. Pfister, V. Wood, T. Schmidt)
April 18, 2024: "Transforming intermediaries to foster multi-system interactions in sustainability transitions ", Workshop on ‘Exploring multi-system interactions in sustainability transitions’, Chalmers University, Gothenburg/Sweden. (A. Pineda, F. Egli, T.S. Schmidt)
April 17, 2024: "The risks of climate tipping points for financial investors", EGU24 General Assembly, Vienna/Austria (P. Waidelich, L. Klaaßen, S. Battiston, B. Steffen)
April 17, 2024: “Technology-smart green industrial policy”, Symposiom on Developing Effective Climate Policy, Collegium Helveticum, Zurich/Switzerland. (T. Schmidt)
April 09, 2024: «Finanzierbarket von Energieprojekten und Anpassungsbedarf der Rahmenbedingungen» Forum Energy, Zurich/Switzerland (T.Schmidt)
February 13, 2024: “Learning in geothermal power and heat generation – A German case study”, 49th Stanford Geothermal Workshop, Stanford/USA (F. Mueller, B. Steffen, T.S. Schmidt)
*February 6, 2024: “Modelling Technological Change in the Energy Transition”, Harvard Growth Lab Research Seminar Series, Virtual (Bessie Noll)
February 05, 2024: " Donor interest and the allocation of development aid for climate change mitigation", Workshop on ‘Climate Finance and Investment in Times of Crisis: Towards a New Partnership with the Global South’, Research Institute for Sustainability – Helmholtz Centre Potsdam, Potsdam/Germany. (A. Pineda, F. Egli, T.S. Schmidt)
February, 2024: “How scientific policy entrepreneurs can enable climate policy change”, Annual Meeting of the Swiss Political Science Association, St. Gallen (L. P. Fesenfeld, S. Levi, S. Montfort, M. Maier, C. Flachsland, K. Ingold)
February, 2024: “Discussing food across cultures: A natural language processing analysis”, Annual Meeting of the Swiss Political Science Association, St. Gallen (L. P. Fesenfeld, E. Ash, A. Mohammadi, Y. Sun, M. Maier, P. He)
December 05, 2023: "Donor interest and the allocation of development aid for climate change mitigation", Workshop on ‘Resourcing international organizations: New insights from the Earmarked Funding Dataset’, University of Glasgow, Glasgow/Scotland. (A. Pineda, F. Egli, T.S. Schmidt)
September 1, 2023: "Internationalizing sustainability transitions: The case of renewable energy cross-border investments in OECD countries", International Sustainability Transitions Conference 2023, Utrecht/Netherlands. (S. Eberhart, T.S. Schmidt, B. Steffen, F. Egli)
September 1, 2023: "Considering sectoral differences in decarbonizing World Bank Group lending", International Sustainability Transitions Conference 2023, Utrecht/Netherlands. (A. Pineda, F. Egli, T.S. Schmidt)
*September, 2023: “Keynote Speech”, Conference on the Political Economy of Meat System Transformation, Monte Verità (L. P. Fesenfeld)
*August, 2023: “Wege in die Ernährungszukunft der Schweiz”, Spirit of Bern (L. P. Fesenfeld)
July 26, 2023: "The influence of uncertainty on the decarbonisation of the specialty chemicals industry", 18th IAEE European Conference, Milan, Italy (P. Tautorat, J. Iversen, T. S. Schmidt, B. Steffen)
July 24, 2023: “Projecting future costs of direct air capture for deep decarbonization”, IAEE 18th European Conference Milan 2023’, Bocconi University, Milan/Italy. (K. Sievert, T.S. Schmidt, B. Steffen)
*June 26,2023: "Li-ion battery technology in context", Swiss-Japanese Chamber of Commerce, Zurich (L. Peiseler)
June 14, 2023: "Trends and drivers of the greening of World Bank Group investments", Swiss Network of International Studies (SNIS) Biennial Conference, University of St. Gallen, St. Gallen/Switzerland. (A. Pineda, F. Egli, T.S. Schmidt)
May 30, 2023: “Projecting future costs of direct air capture” (poster), Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage – Gordon Research Conference, ETH Zurich, Les Diablerets/Switzerland. (K. Sievert, T.S. Schmidt, B. Steffen)
*April 25, 2023: “The extractive sector and the energy transition", Natural Resource Governance and Energy Transition: Policies and Practice, NRGI and ETH NADEL, online (L. Peiseler)
*February, 2023: “Leitfaden zu den Wegen in die Ernährungszukunft der Schweiz”, SDSN Ernährungssystemgipfel, Universität Bern (L. P. Fesenfeld)
February, 2023: “Legitimizing climate action in democracies”, Annual Meeting of the Swiss Political Science Association, Basel (L. P. Fesenfeld, C. Freudlsperger, L. Kuntze, K. Ingold)
January 25, 2023: “Impact of interest rate hikes on green investments”, European Central Bank (ECB) internal seminar, online (F. Egli)
January 20, 2023: " Toward a European carbon footprint rule for batteries" Battery Forum Germany 2023, Berlin (L. Peiseler)
December 1, 2022: “The impact of the green transition on European labour markets”, Joint Research Commission (EU-JRC), online (F. Egli, F. Zaussinger)
November 28, 2022: "Projecting the Clean Tech Race: Modelling Technologies' Competition Dynamics and Implications for Policy Design", David Bradford Energy and Environmental Policy Seminar Series, Princeton, NJ/USA (T.S. Schmidt)
November 27, 2022: “Governing the energy transition”, IT Climate and Energy, Swiss Study Foundation, Zurich (F. Egli)
November 22, 2022: " How do technology inherent characteristics affect valuation processes?", International Sustainability Transitions Conference 2022, Stellenbosch, South Africa/virtual. (C. Agutu, T.S. Schmidt, B.Steffen)
November 17, 2022: "Power and Decarbonization Through Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives - Which Role for Electrification? a System-Dynamic Analysis to Support Road Fright Decarbonization Policy", Association for Public Policy Analysis & Management (APPAM) 2022 Fall Conference, Washington, DC/USA (T.S. Schmidt, B. Noll, B. Steffen)
November 17, 2022: “Climate finance and NDCs”, UNFCCC COP27, Sharm-el-Sheikh (F. Egli)
November 8, 2022: “Mirror COP27: Climate Finance”, ETH Zurich (F. Egli)
October 19, 2022: “Impact of interest rate hikes on green investments”, Jacques Delors Centre, Hertie School, Berlin, online (F. Egli)
September 28, 2022: "De-risking the decarbonisation of the European cement industry", 11th International Ruhr Energy Conference (INREC), Essen/Germany (P. Tautorat, N. Ljubić, B. Steffen, T. S. Schmidt)
September 27, 2022: “Phase-out politics”, International Conference on Fossil Fuel Supply and Climate Policy, University of Oxford (F. Egli, N. Knecht, F. Sigurdsson, S. Sewerin)
September 27, 2022: “The impact of the green transition on the European labour market”, International Conference on Fossil Fuel Supply and Climate Policy, University of Oxford (F. Egli, F. Zaussinger, T. Schmidt)
September 23, 2022: "Policies for accelerating the decarbonisation of the European cement industry", 17th IAEE European Conference, Athens/Greece (P. Tautorat, N. Ljubić, B. Steffen, T. S. Schmidt)
September 8, 2022: “Technologies and policies for the decarbonization of cement and steel production”, ISTP Summer School on Greening and Governing Global Supply Chains, Filzbach/Switzerland (P. Tautorat)
August 31, 2022: “The impact of the green transition on the European labour market”, RGS Annual International Conference, Newcastle University, online (F. Egli, F. Zaussinger, T. Schmidt)
June 29, 2022: “Phase-out politics”, EAERE Annual Conference, Rimini (F. Egli, N. Knecht, F. Sigurdsson, S. Sewerin)
June 23, 2022: " Evaluating the cost competitiveness of Mini-grids and Standalone systems in sub-Saharan Africa", Sustainable Energy Transitions Initiative 2022, virtual. (C. Agutu, T.S. Schmidt)
*May 24, 2022: “The extractive sector and the energy transition", Natural Resource Governance and Energy Transition: Policies and Practice, NRGI and ETH NADEL, online. (L. Peiseler, T.S. Schmidt)
May 10, 2022: "Governing sustainability transitions: Why understanding technology matters for policy-making", BMZ African-German Leadership Academy, Bonn, Germany (C. Agutu, F. Egli, T.S. Schmidt, B. Steffen)
June 17, 2022: “Projecting future costs of direct air capture”, 2nd International Conference on Negative CO2 Emissions 2022, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg/Sweden. (K. Sievert, T.S. Schmidt, B. Steffen)
*May 07, 2022: “Systemisches Denken als Tool für komplexe Herausforderungen — Fallbeispiel Mobilitäts- und Energiewende" Seminar hosted by the Swiss & German Academic Scholarship Foundations, Zurich. (L. Peiseler)
February 4, 2022: “Analyzing the coherence of national climate targets with climate ambition in COVID-19 recovery packages” Swiss Political Science Association Conference, Lausanne/virtual (Nicolas Schmid, Anna Stünzi, Taryn Fransen, Florian Egli, Lucile Dufour, Jonas Meckling, Tobias Schmidt)
January 19, 2022: «Reskilling for a green transition”, NMIS Insights, University of Strathclyde, online (F. Egli)
December 1, 2021: “Reaching 100% electrification in sub-Saharan Africa: The role of finance” Renewable Energy and Appropriate Technology Lab, UC Berkeley/virtual (C. Agutu and T.S. Schmidt)
November 25-26, 2021: “Making use of logics of policy change for designing virtuous policy cycles” Workshop on ‘Transformational Change through Public Policy', Bristol/virtual (S. Sewerin, B. Cashore, M. Howlett)
November 25, 2021: “Strategies to end fossil fuel financing” IIPP (Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose) UCL Finance Research and Policy Seminar/virtual (F. Egli)
*November 19, 2021: Introduction speaker at "The renewed relevance of resource governance in the age of energy transition" Webinar hosted by NRGI and ETH NADEL, online (L. Peiseler)
November 18-19, 2021: “The Science-Policy Nexus: Insights and puzzles” Workshop ‘Advancing an Integrated Understanding of the Science-Policy Nexus’, German Centre for Higher Education Research and Science Studies, Berlin/virtual (S. Sewerin)
November 17, 2021: “Towards technology-smart policies: understanding inherent technology differences and their implications” Environmental Research 2021 – IOP Publishing, virtual (T. S. Schmidt)
October 21, 2021: “Reskilling for a green transition” OECD/cedefop symposium, virtual (F. Egli, F. Zaussinger, T.S. Schmidt)
October 13, 2021: "Identification and quantification of potential levers to reduce the carbon impact of lithium-ion batteries in the near- to mid-term future" World Resources Forum 2021, Zurich/Accra/online (L. Peiseler)
October 12, 2021: "Identification and quantification of potential levers to reduce the carbon impact of lithium-ion batteries in the near- to mid-term future" Green Batteries Conference 2021, online (L. Peiseler)
October 8, 2021: “Electrifying sub-Saharan Africa: Why finance matters” Swiss Association for Energy Economics Workshop, Zurich/virtual (C. Agutu)
October 5-8, 2021: “Examining public support for climate solutions in France” 12th International Sustainability Transitions Conference, Karlsruhe/online (N. Schmid)
October 5-8, 2021: “Legislators and bureaucrats as drivers of regulatory policy change: The case of energy storage technologies” 12th International Sustainability Transitions Conference, Karlsruhe/online (S. Sewerin, N. Schmid)
October 6, 2021 “Scaling off-grid technology in low-income contexts: The influence of technology inherent characteristics on valuation processes” International Sustainability Transitions Conference, virtual (C. Agutu)
July 5-9, 2021: “Legislators and bureaucrats as drivers of regulatory policy change: The case of energy storage technologies” 5th International Conference on Public Policy ICPP5, Barcelona/virtual (S. Sewerin, N. Schmid)
June 23-25, 2021: “Legislators and bureaucrats as drivers of regulatory policy change: The case of energy storage technologies” ECPR Regulatory Governance Conference, Exeter/virtual (S. Sewerin, N. Schmid)
June 23, 2021: “Coal mining decline and electoral response” EAERE, virtual (F. Egli, N. Schmid, T.S. Schmidt)
May 31, 2021: “Dynamics of financing conditions and policy implications” Innopaths Final Event, EUI Florence, virtual (F. Egli)
May 5, 2021: “Accounting for finance in electrification models for sub-Saharan Africa” Centre for Economics Research at ETH Zurich (CER-ETH), virtual (C.Agutu, F.Egli)
May 4, 2021: “A Green Recovery” SOAS Open Economics Forum, virtual (F. Egli)
February 4-5, 2021: “Political agency in policy design and the role of technological change: The case of the German Feed-in-Tariff 2000 – 2018” Annual Conference of the Swiss Political Science Association - Bern/virtual (N. Schmid, S. Sewerin, T. S. Schmidt)
January 27, 2021: "Public hearing on AI and Green Deal" European Parliament, Special Committee on Artificial Intelligence in a Digital Age, virtual (L.H. Kaack)
January 13, 2021: “The political cost of coal decline: Evidence from US presidential elections” EMEE 2020 - 13th International Workshop on "Empirical Methods in Energy Economics", Zurich (F. Egli, N. Schmid, T.S. Schmidt)
December 7, 2020: “Agency in regulatory policy design: The role of regulators vs policy makers in the regulation of emerging technologies” ECPR Regulatory Governance Early Career Conference, online (S. Sewerin, N. Schmid)
December 4, 2020: "Combining technology and policy perspectives to understand the global energy transition" ETH Zurich (online) (T.S. Schmidt)
December 3, 2020: “How Artificial Intelligence could help mitigate climate change,” virtual briefing, Heinrich Böll Stiftung Brussels - European Union, virtual (Lynn Kaack, Priya Donti, David Rolnick)
November 30, 2020: “Wie macht KI die Welt nachhaltiger?” Digital-Gipfel 2020, Plattform Lernende Systeme, virtual panel (Lynn Kaack, Simone Strey, Matthias Brunner)
November 24, 2020: "Erfahrungskurven und Wettbewerb: Warum setzen sich bestimmte Technologien durch, und was heisst das für die Politik?" ETH Zurich Energy Science Center, Energy Week (T.S. Schmidt)
*November 19, 2020: "Die Rolle des Staates in der Innovation", swisscleantech Jahresanlass: Die Chancen der Innovation (T.S. Schmidt)
November 19, 2020: “Financing the low-carbon economy: Can policy increase the impact of innovative financial instruments in Switzerland?”, Swiss Sustainable Finance Webinar (B. Steffen)
November 11-13, 2020: "Tailoring Policies to Minimize the Marginal CO2 Emission Caused By Stationary Electricity Storage" 42nd APPAM Fall Research Conference; online only (M. Beuse, B. Steffen, T.S. Schmidt)
November 11-13, 2020: "The Impact of Electric Utility Ownership Structures on Low-Carbon Investment Decisions" 42nd APPAM Fall Research Conference; online only (B. Steffen, Valerie Karplus, T.S. Schmidt)
October 22, 2020: “Leveraging computational text analysis for climate policy,” Research Seminar Series, Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change (MCC), virtual (Lynn Kaack)
October 20, 2020: "Who divests from fossil fuels?", UAS Conference Workshop on Financial Markets and Sustainable Development in Times of Climate Change, Berlin, online (F. Egli, D. Schärrer, B. Steffen)
*October 16, 2020: “Financing the energy transition –the role of macro dynamics, policy, and financing types and conditions” Joint ZEW-MISES Seminar, University of Mannheim (Mannheim/Germany)
October 13, 2020: “Climate policy and finance: Interplay between interest rates and the politics of emissions trading”, IST Colloquium, virtual (M. Pahle, O. Tietjen, S. Osorio, F. Egli, B. Steffen, T.S. Schmidt, O. Edenhofer)
September 21, 2020: Input to Roundtable: Künstliche Intelligenz und Nachhaltigkeit - Klimafreundliche europäische KI?, Representation of the European Commission in Germany and Alexander von Humboldt Institut für Internet und Gesellschaft, Berlin, Germany (Lynn Kaack)
September 19, 2020: “The influence of the cost of capital on electrification model analysis in Sub-Saharan Africa” Sustainable Energy Transitions Initiative (SETI) Fifth Annual Meeting 2020, virtual (C.Agutu)
September 15-17, 2020: “Uncovering policy designs from legal texts”, Data for Policy 2020, 5th International Conference, virtual (Lynn Kaack, Sebastian Sewerin)
September 9, 2020: “AI x Ecology,” Ars Electronica 2020, Austrian Council on Robotics and Artificial Intelligence, virtual (Carla Gomes, Tega Brain, Mark Coeckelbergh, Lynn Kaack, Stafano Nativi, Claire Monteleoni)
August 19, 2020: “Investigating Political Party Position Change on Energy Technologies: A Comparative Case Study”, 11th International Sustainability Transitions Conference, Vienna/online (N. Schmid)
August 19, 2020: “Technological Change, Agency and the Politics of Policy Redesigning: The Case of the German Feed-In Tariff, 2000-2018”, 11th International Sustainability Transitions Conference, Vienna/online (N. Schmid, S. Sewerin, T.S. Schmidt)
August 20, 2020: “Uncovering Sectoral Differences in the Political Economy of the EU Emissions Trading System” 11th International Sustainability Transitions Conference, Vienna/online (N. Schmid, J. Meckling, T.S. Schmidt)
August 21, 2020: “Exploring the mass politics of sustainability transitions - public opinion on energy policy in France” 11th International Sustainability Transitions Conference, Vienna/online (N. Schmid, Benjamin Guinaudeau)
August 24-28, 2020: “The Geo-Economics of Energy Storage: Lithium-Ion Battery Industry Development and Policy Strategies to Catch-Up” ECPR General Conference, Innsbruck/online (S. Sewerin, T.S. Schmidt)
August 24-28, 2020: “Different Approaches to Governing the Economy: Regulatory Policy Styles and the Promotion of Emerging Technologies” ECPR General Conference, Innsbruck/online (S. Sewerin, N. Schmid, T.S. Schmidt)
August 26, 2020: “Investigating Political Party Position Change on Energy Technologies: A Comparative Case Study”, ECPR General Conference, Innsbruck/online (N. Schmid)
August 26, 2020: “Technological Change, Agency and the Politics of Policy Redesigning: The Case of the German Feed-In Tariff, 2000-2018”, ECPR General Conference, Innsbruck/online (N. Schmid, S. Sewerin, T.S. Schmidt)
August 27, 2020: “Uncovering Sectoral Differences in the Political Economy of the EU Emissions Trading System” ECPR General Conference, Innsbruck/online (N. Schmid, J. Meckling, T.S. Schmidt)
August 28, 2020: “Exploring the mass politics of sustainability transitions - public opinion on energy policy in France” ECPR General Conference, Innsbruck/online (N. Schmid, Benjamin Guinaudeau)
June 25, 2020: “The Melting Iceberg of Framing Studies - A Systematic Review of Framing Experiments in Environmental Politics, Economics and Psychology Research”, Environmental Politics and Governance Conference, Oslo, virtual (Lukas Fesenfeld)
June 17, 2020: “The role of finance in the low-carbon energy transition”, New Energy Series by the Irving Institute for Energy & Society, Dartmouth, virtual (Bjarne Steffen)
June 10, 2020: “AI + Climate Change”, Couch Lessons, Goethe Institut, virtual (Lynn Kaack)
June 8, 2020: “Uncovering policy designs from legal texts”, Workshop on Institutional Grammar, Faculty of Political Science and International Studies, University of Warsaw, virtual (Lynn Kaack, Sebastian Sewerin)
May 15, 2020: “Tackling Climate Change with Machine Learning”, Young Scientist Symposium 2020, Institute of Science and Technology (IST) Austria, virtual (Lynn Kaack)
May 12, 2020: “The politics of technological change: case studies from the energy sector”, Frontiers in Energy Research Lecture Series, ETH Energy Science Center (N. Schmid)
May 7, 2020: “Investigating Political Party Position Change on Energy Technologies: A Comparative Case Study”, 5th NEST Conference, Zurich/online (N. Schmid)
April 28 & April 30, 2020: "Climate Change 101 (for machine learning experts)", International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR) 2020, Tackling Climate Change with ML workshop, virtual (Lynn Kaack, Priya Donti, Kris Sankaran)
*April 27, 2020: "Policymaking for the clean energy transition in times of COVID-19 – How can machine learning help?", International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR) 2020, Tackling Climate Change with ML Energy Day, virtual (Bjarne Steffen, Florian Egli, Michael Pahle, Tobias S. Schmidt)
April 9, 2020: “Harnessing Artificial Intelligence to Fight Climate Change”, CELI Webinar, Clean Energy Leadership Institute, virtual (Lynn Kaack, Priya Donti)
March 19, 2020: “Carbon pricing and innovation: Experience from the EU ETS and Switzerland’s carbon tax”, workshop on “Accelerating climate policy progress in a dynamic, politically constrained world”, Wagner School of Public Policy, New York University, virtual (Tobias S Schmidt)
March 12, 2020: “Kann KI uns helfen, globale Herausforderungen zu meistern?”, ZHAW digital, Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften, Zürich, Switzerland (Lynn Kaack, Jürgen Schmidhuber, Ricardo Chavarriaga)
February 6, 2020: "How “technology-smart” are governments? Assessing policies to succeed in the global technology race on Lithium-ion batteries", C-EENRG Seminar Cambridge University (M. Beuse, S. Sewerin, A. Malhotra, W. Zhu, M. Mäder, K. Lonergan, T. S. Schmidt)
February 3-4, 2020. "Comparing energy policy across countries – a longitudinal analysis of party programs over 30 years", SPSA Annual Conference, University of Lucerne, Switzerland (Nicolas Schmid)
December 9-13, 2019. "The political cost of coal phase-out – Evidence from US presidential elections", AGU conference, San Francisco, USA (Florian Egli, Nicolas Schmid, Tobias S. Schmidt)
December 4, 2019: “AI for climate change policy”, UNFCCC Conference of the Parties (COP) 25, Chile Pavilion, Madrid, Spain (Lynn Kaack)
November 22, 2019: “AI for climate change policy”, Transatlantic Networking Event: Policies for a just and green digital transformation, Heinrich Böll Foundation, Berlin, Germany (Lynn Kaack)
*November 15, 2019: “Low-carbon energy finance: Empirical research and implications for modelers and policymakers”, DIW Berlin (German Institute for Economic Research), Berlin/Germany (B. Steffen)
November 11, 2019: “Tackling climate change with machine learning”, Brown Bag Lunch Statistical Learning, Institute for Atmospheric and Climate Science, ETH Zurich (Lynn Kaack)
November 9, 2019: "How “Technology-Smart” Are Governments? A Cross-Sectional Comparison of Policy Mixes Aimed at Catching-up in Lithium-Ion Battery Technology in the US, the EU and China", 41th APPAM Fall Research Conference, Denver, CO/USA (Tobias S. Schmidt, Martin Beuse, Sebastian Sewerin, Abhishek Malhotra, Wenying Zhu, Mattia Maeder, Katherine Lonergan)
November 7-10, 2019. "The political cost of coal phase-out – Evidence from US presidential elections", Graduate Climate Conference, Woods Hole, Massachussets, USA. Organized by MIT and Harvard University. (Florian Egli, Nicolas Schmid, Tobias S. Schmidt)
November 5, 2019: "Influence of Electric Vehicle Uptake on Competitive Dynamics of Storage Technologies in Electricity Sector Applications", 37th USAEE/IAEE North American Conference, Denver, CO/USA (Martin Beuse, Tobias S. Schmidt, Bjarne Steffen)
*November 4, 2019: "Accelerating the Clean Energy Transition: On the Co-Evolution of Policy and Technology", David Bradford Energy and Environmental Policy Seminar Series, Center for Policy Research on Energy and the Environment, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ/USA (Tobias S. Schmidt)
October 24, 2019: "Influence of electric vehicle uptake on competitive dynamics in energy storage technologies", C-EENRG Seminar Cambridge University (M. Beuse, B. Steffen, T. S. Schmidt)
October 23, 2019: ”FDI for greener economies”, Second Roundtable on Investment and Sustainable Development, OECD, Paris/France (B. Steffen)
September 4, 2019: "How technology-neutral are technology-neutral renewable energy auctions”, ECPR General Conference, University of Wrocław, Wrocław/Poland (Leonore Haelg)
September 4, 2019: " Governing complex societal problems: The impact of private regulation on public regulation through technological change”, ECPR General Conference, University of Wrocław, Wrocław/Poland (N. Schmid, L. Haelg, S. Sewerin, T.S. Schmidt, I. Simmen)
September 1-4, 2019: "Effective technology policy design: A comparative analysis of policy mixes targeting lithium-ion batteries", 49th UACES (University Association for Contemporary European Studies) Conference, Lisbon/Portugal (Sebastian Sewerin, Martin Beuse, Abhishek Malhotra, Katherine E. Lonergan, Mattia Maeder, Wenying Zhu, Tobias S. Schmidt)
August 25-28, 2019: “Renewable Energy Investment Risks: Dynamics over Time and Drivers”, 16th IAEE European Conference, Ljubljana/Slovenia (F. Egli)
August 25-28, 2019: “Influence of Electric Vehicle Uptake on Competitive Dynamics of Storage Technologies in Electricity Sector Applications”, 16th IAEE European Conference, Ljubljana/Slovenia (M. Beuse, B. Steffen, T. Schmidt)
August 2, 2019: “The political price of phasing out coal: An analysis of US Presidential Elections“, Strommarkttreffen, GIZ, Berlin/Germany (F. Egli, N. Schmid, T. S. Schmidt)
July 29–30, 2019: “Projecting Future Cost of Electricity Storage Technologies: A System-Dynamic Modelling Approach”, APPAM International Conference 2019, Barcelona/Spain (M. Beuse, B. Steffen, T. Schmidt)
July 4, 2019: “Truck traffic monitoring with satellite images”, ACM SIGCAS Conference on Computing and Sustainable Societies (COMPASS), Accra, Ghana, virtual (Lynn Kaack, George Chen, Granger Morgan)
June 26-29, 2019: “Fair and incentive-compatible allocation mechanism for climate finance“, 24th Annual EAERE, Manchester/UK (F. Egli, A. Stünzi)
June 26-28, 2019: "Agency in the policy design process: Introducing design coalitions to explain policy output," 4th International Conference on Public Policy, Montréal/Canada (L. Haelg, S. Sewerin, T.S. Schmidt)
June 26-28, 2019: "How does renewable energy auctions design influence instrument effectiveness," 4th International Conference on Public Policy, Montréal/Canada (L. Haelg, T.S. Schmidt)
June 26-28, 2019: "Catching-up in complex technology industries – A patent-citation network analysis to identify windows of opportunity in the lithium-ion battery industry", 4th International Conference on Public Policy, Montréal/Canada (A. Malhotra, H. Zhang, M. Beuse, T.S. Schmidt)
June 26-28, 2019: “Sequencing private and public governance: The case of energy efficiency in buildings in Switzerland”, 4th International Conference on Public Policy, Montréal/Canada (N. Schmid, L. Haelg, S. Sewerin, T.S. Schmidt, I. Simmen)
June 26-28, 2019: “Political feedback effects of coal phase-out”, 4th International Conference on Public Policy, Montréal/Canada (F. Egli, N. Schmid, T.S. Schmidt)
June 26-28, 2019: "Designing ‘technology-smart’, self-reinforcing policies: Lithium-ion battery policy and industry localisation", 4th International Conference on Public Policy, Montréal/Canada (Sebastian Sewerin, Martin Beuse, Abhishek Malhotra, Katherine E. Lonergan, Mattia Maeder, Wenying Zhu, Tobias S. Schmidt)
June 26-28, 2019: "Agency in the policy design process: Introducing design coalitions to explain policy output", 4th International Conference on Public Policy, Montréal/Canada (L. Haelg, S. Sewerin, T.S. Schmidt)
June 24-25, 2019: “Trade-offs and synergies in electricity sector policy mixes: The case of Uttar Pradesh, India”, Workshop on Sustainable Energy Systems in Emerging and Developing Economies, Frankfurt School of Finance & Management, Frankfurt/Germany (Abhishek Malhotra).
June 23-26, 2019: “Renewable energy auctions: A global assessment of design elements and their differential effects,” 10th International Sustainability Transitions Conference, Ottawa/Canada (L. Haelg, T.S. Schmidt)
June 23-26, 2019: “Experience and learning in asset financing of low-carbon technologies: Theorizing on the evolution of financial institutions in sustainability transitions”, International Sustainability Transitions Conference 2019, Ottawa/Canada (B. Steffen, F. Egli, T. Schmidt)
June 23-26, 2019: “Sectoral configurations in sustainability transitions”, International Sustainability Transitions Conference 2019, Ottawa/Canada (A. Bergek, C. Binz, T.S. Schmidt, B. Truffer)
June 23-26, 2019: “Effects of the transition in the transport sector on the competitive dynamics of storage technologies in the electricity sector”, International Sustainability Transitions Conference 2019, Ottawa/Canada (M.Beuse, B. Steffe, T.S. Schmidt)
June 23-26, 2019: “Sequencing private and public governance: The case of energy efficiency in buildings in Switzerland”, International Sustainability Transitions Conference 2019, Ottawa/Canada (N. Schmid, L. Haelg, S. Sewerin, T.S. Schmidt, I. Simmen)
June 23-26, 2019: “Political feedback effects of coal phase-out”, International Sustainability Transitions Conference 2019, Ottawa/Canada (F. Egli, N. Schmid, T.S. Schmidt)
June 23-26, 2019: “Leveraging industry localization policy to accelerate the transition of the electricity system: A comparative analysis of policy mixes targeting lithium-ion batteries”, International Sustainability Transitions Conference 2019, Ottawa/Canada (S. Sewerin, T.S. Schmidt, M. Beuse, A. Malhotra, K. E. Lonergan, M. Maeder, W. Zhu)
June 14, 2019: “Truck traffic monitoring with satellite images” (spotlight talk and poster), Climate Change: How Can AI Help, Thirty-sixth International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), Long Beach, CA, USA (Lynn Kaack, George Chen, Granger Morgan)
May 29 - Jun 1, 2019: “Global heterogeneity in financing cost for renewable energy projects”, 42nd IAEE International Conference, Montréal/Canada (B. Steffen)
May 23-24, 2019: "Renewable energy investment risks: dynamics over time and drivers", ISEFI 2019, Paris/France (F. Egli)
May 14, 2019: "ESG capacities and their drivers among leading investors", Sustainalble Finance Workshop, University of Liechtenstein, Vaduz/Liechtenstein (F. Egli)
May 13, 2019: “Understanding the diffusion of renewable energy technologies to developing countries: The role of project developers and multilateral development banks,“ Energy for Human Development Speaker Series, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA/USA (B. Steffen, T.S. Schmidt)
May 10, 2019: "Windows of opportunity in the Lithium-ion battery industry – Europe’s attempt to catch-up ", Strommarkttreffen ‘Batterien: Kostenentwicklung, Technologien, Anwendungen’, Berlin/Germany (M. Beuse, A. Malhotra, H. Zhang, W. Zhu, M. Mäder, K. Lonergan, S. Sewerin, T. S. Schmidt)
May 10, 2019: “Projecting electricity storage cost and technology competition considering electric vehicle uptake,“ MIT Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change Lunch Seminar, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA/USA (M. Beuse, B. Steffen, T.S. Schmidt)
April 26, 2019: “Sequencing private and public governance: The case of energy efficiency in buildings in Switzerland,” Environmental Politics Workshop, University of California, Santa Barbara/USA (N. Schmid, L. Haelg, S. Sewerin, T.S. Schmidt, I. Simmen)
April 3, 2019: “Designing deployment policies for low-carbon technologies,“ Rai group lunch seminar, LBJ School of Public Affairs, University of Texas, Austin TX/USA (L. Haelg)
April 3, 2019: "The dynamics of financing conditions for wind energy projects", Wind Europe, Bilbao/Spain (F. Egli, B. Steffen, T.S. Schmidt)
*March 26, 2019: “The co-evolution of policy and technology in the energy sector – how policy induced technological change can alter policy dynamics”, Political Science Research Seminar, Hochschule St. Gallen, St. Gallen/Switzerland (T.S. Schmidt, S. Sewerin)
March 23, 2019: “Sequencing voluntary and mandatory governance: The case of energy efficiency in buildings in Switzerland”, Conference on “Governance of Big Transformations” of the Research Section „Comparative Politics“ of the German Political Science Association, Technical University of Munich (N. Schmid, L. Haelg, I. Simmen, S. Sewerin, T.S. Schmidt)
March 5, 2019: "Financing conditions - A missing link to explain rapic cost decreases in renewable energy?", Frontiers in Energy Research, ETH Zurich/Switzerland (F. Egli, B. Steffen, T.S. Schmidt)
February 16, 2019: “Policy mix sequencing: the case of energy efficiency in buildings in Switzerland”, SPSA Annual Conference 2019, Panel: Politics and Policy, ETH Zurich (N. Schmid, L. Haelg, I. Simmen, S. Sewerin, T.S. Schmidt)
February 13-15, 2019: “Impact of stationary electricity storage applications on the carbon footprint of electricity systems”, 11. Internationale Energiewirtschaftstagung an der TU Wien (IEWT), Vienna/Austria (M. Beuse, B. Steffen, M. Dirksmeier, T. S. Schmidt)
February 13-15, 2019: “Schätzung von Erfahrungskurven für Wartungs- und Betriebskosten von Wind- und Photovoltaikanlagen”, 11. Internationale Energiewirtschaftstagung an der TU Wien (IEWT), Vienna/Austria (B. Steffen, M. Beuse, P. Tautorat, T. S. Schmidt)
February 13-15, 2019: “A dynamic analysis of financing conditions for renewable energy technologies”, 11. Internationale Energiewirtschaftstagung an der TU Wien (IEWT), Vienna/Austria (F.Egli, B. Steffen, T.S. Schmidt)
*January 30, 2019: "Eine politische und wirtschaftliche Perspektive auf Energie- und Resourcen-Effizienz", Podiumsdiskussion zum Thema Energie- und Ressourceneffizienz (Carnot Capital), Zurich/Switzerland (T.S. Schmidt)
January 18, 2019: “Political feedback effects of coal phase-out”, Workshop on policy feedback and technological change, organized by the Energy Politics Group, Eigenthal/Switzerland (F. Egli, N. Schmid, T.S. Schmidt)
January 16, 2019: “What makes a policy stick? The role of policy design in explaining policy (dis-)continuity in “green” energy policy.”, Workshop on policy feedback and technological change, organized by the Energy Politics Group, Eigenthal/Switzerland (T.S. Schmidt, S. Sewerin)
January 16, 2019: “Policy mix sequencing: the case of energy efficiency in buildings in Switzerland”, Workshop on policy feedback and technological change, organized by the Energy Politics Group, Eigenthal/Switzerland (N. Schmid, L. Haelg, I. Simmen, S. Sewerin, T.S. Schmidt)
December 10, 2018: "Financing low-carbon energy projects: the role of long-term policy, de-risking, PPPs and MDBs", official UNFCCC Cimate Change Conference (COP24) side event; organized with Cambridge University and Lebanon (T.S. Schmidt, B. Steffen)
December 4, 2018: "A dynamic analysis of financing conditions for renewable energy", MCC seminar, Berlin/Germany (F. Egli, B. Steffen, T. S. Schmidt)
December 3, 2018: "Dynamische Entwicklung der Finanzierungskosten Erneuerbarer Energien", Allianz Climate Solutions, Berlin/Germany (F. Egli, B. Steffen, T. S. Schmidt)
November 29, 2018: "Renewable energy investment risks - a dynamic perspective", School of Regulation, Florence University Institute, Florence/Italy (F. Egli)
November 27, 2018: “Low-carbon energy finance: new research results and their implications for modelers and policy makers”, CMCC webinar, online (T.S. Schmidt, B. Steffen) watch event:
*November 15, 2018: "Research, education and training in energy for sustianable development", Panel at the 9th International Forum on Energy for Sustainable Development, United Nations (UNECE), Kiev/Ukraine (T.S. Schmidt)
November 14, 2018: «Gesamtenergiebilanz von Erneuerbaren Energien in der Schweiz», Strommarkttreffen Schweiz, HSR Rapperswil, Rapperswil-Jona/Switzerland (B. Steffen, D. Hischier, T.S. Schmidt)
*November 7, 2018: "A European Perspective on the State of the Global Race for Batteries to Power Electric Vehicles and Modernize the Grid", Information Technology and Innovation Foundation, Washington DC/USA (T.S. Schmidt) watch event:
November 8, 2018: “The role of Multi-lateral Development Banks in Financing Power Generation Projects”, APPAM 39th Annual Fall Research Conference, Session “Globalizing the Clean Energy Transition – Implications for National and International Public Policy” organized by T. S. Schmidt, Washington DC/USA (B Steffen, T. S. Schmidt)
*October 3, 2018: “Interdisciplinary teaching in energy – experiences from ETH Zurich”, Keynote for workshop on interdisciplinary teaching in energy, Fukuoka University, Fukuoka/Japan (through video conference) (T. S. Schmidt)
September 24-25, 2018. “The electoral backlash of coal phase-out: A quasi-natural experiment in the Appalachian coal basin in the United States”, 2nd International Conference on Fossil Fuel Supply and Climate Policy, The Queen’s College, Oxford, UK (F. Egli, N. Schmid, T.S. Schmidt).
September 24-25 2018: “The dynamics of financing renewable energy assets: A quantitative analysis for Germany”, 7th International Ruhr Energy Conference (INREC), Essen/Germany (F. Egli, B. Steffen, T. S. Schmidt)
September 11, 2018: “Agency in Policy Design: The Case of the Swiss Renewable Energy Policy”, 5th SCCER CREST (Swiss Competence Center for Research in Energy, Society and Transition) Annual Conference, University of Basel. (L. Haelg, S. Sewerin, T. S. Schmidt)
September 11, 2018: “Temporal dynamics of complex policy mixes - Renewable energy policy mixes in Switzerland and eight other OECD countries”, 5th SCCER CREST (Swiss Competence Center for Research in Energy, Society and Transition) Annual Conference, University of Basel. (T.S. Schmidt, S. Sewerin)
September 5, 2018. "ESG capacities among leading investors", Inaugural Conference, Global Research Alliance for Sustainable Finance and Investment, PhD Session, Maastricht/Netherlands (F. Egli)
September 4, 2018. "INNOPATHS finance workstream: Progress and plans", Cambridge/United Kingdom (T. S. Schmidt, B. Steffen, F. Egli)
August 24, 2018. “Investigating the co-evolution of technological change and actors’ attitudes in the German energy subsystem”, ECPR General Conference - Panel: Political and Social Divisions over the Energy Issue, Hamburg/Germany (N. Schmid, T. S. Schmidt, S. Sewerin)
July 27, 2018: "Competition of stationary batteries: Influence of e-mobility", Strommarkttreffen ‘Batterien: Kostenentwicklung, Technologien, Anwendungen’, Berlin/Germany (M. Beuse, B. Steffen, T. S. Schmidt)
July 4, 2018: “Feedback effects of policy-induced technological change and regulatory politics – A longitudinal case study of German energy politics”, ECPR Standing Group on Regulatory Governance, 7th Biennial Conference, Lausanne/Switzerland (N. Schmid, T. S. Schmidt, S. Sewerin)
July 4, 2018: “Agency in policy design: The case of the Swiss renewable energy feed-in tariff”, ECPR Standing Group on Regulatory Governance, 7th Biennial Conference, Lausanne/Switzerland (L. Haelg, S. Sewerin, T. S. Schmidt)
July 4, 2018: “Does policy design predict policy mixes’ future? Policy stickiness and regulatory policymaking”, ECPR Standing Group on Regulatory Governance, 7th Biennial Conference, Lausanne/Switzerland (T. S. Schmidt, S. Sewerin, B. Bateson)
July 2-4, 2018: “Global technology diffusion and actor-level spillovers: The role of international project developers for the clean energy transition”, Conference of the International Schumpeter Society (ISS), Seoul/Republic of Korea (B. Steffen, T. Matsuo, D. Steinemann, T.S. Schmidt)
July 2-4, 2018: “Financing the energy transition - an evolutionary perspective on the role of state investment banks”, Conference of the International Schumpeter Society (ISS), Seoul/Republic of Korea (A. Geddes, T. S. Schmidt)
July 2-4, 2018: “The influence of selection pressures on technological evolution in complex artifacts – An analysis of innovation patterns in lithium-ion batteries”, Conference of the International Schumpeter Society (ISS), Seoul/Republic of Korea (A. Malhotra, H. Zhang, T. S. Schmidt)
*June 29, 2018: “Enabling private investment in rural mini-grids through de-risking - the role of aggregation, risk transfer and policy reform”, Electrification Workshop, Policy Alternatives Research Institute, University of Tokyo, Tokyo/Japan (Tobias S Schmidt)
*June 29, 2018: “How technological innovation and policy co-evolve – the role of policy-induced exogenous feedbacks in the field of low-carbon energy policy”, Innovation Seminar, Policy Alternatives Research Institute, University of Tokyo, Tokyo/Japan (Tobias S Schmidt)
*June 28, 2018: “Analyzing the co-evolution of policy and technology – insights from interdisciplinary research in energy”, PhD Seminar at Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies, Sophia University, Tokyo/Japan (Tobias S Schmidt)
June 27, 2018. “Does policy design predict a policy mix’s future? A new empirical approach to analysing path-dependency”, First international workshop on public policy IWPP1, Pittsburgh, PA/USA (T. S. Schmidt, S. Sewerin, B. Bateson)
June 26, 2018. “Agency in policy design: The case of the Swiss renewable energy feed-in tariff”, First international workshop on public policy IWPP1, Pittsburgh, PA/USA (L. Haelg, S. Sewerin, T. S. Schmidt)
June 18-19, 2018. “Greening industrialization: The role of policy design in Mexico and South Africa,” Green Transformation and Competitive Advantage: Evidence from Developing Countries, Bonn/Germany (T. Matsuo, T.S. Schmidt)
June 12-14, 2018: "Theorizing finance in transitions studies – a multi-level perspective analysis of state investment banks’ roles in mobilising finance for clean energy transitions", 9th International Sustainability Transition conference, Manchester/UK (A. Geddes, T. S. Schmidt)
June 12-14, 2018: "'Policy path dependency and the governance of transitions – explaining a policy’s stickiness through its design", 9th International Sustainability Transition conference, Manchester/UK (T. S. Schmidt, S. Sewerin, B. Bateson)
June 12-14, 2018: "'The politics of low-carbon energy transitions – tracking and explaining change in German energy advocacy coalitionss", 9th International Sustainability Transition conference, Manchester/UK (N. Schmid, S. Sewerin, T. S. Schmidt)
June 12-14, 2018: "Interactive learning and technology life-cycles – Explaining the patterns of innovation and learning in three clean energy technological innovation systems", 9th International Sustainability Transition conference, Manchester/UK (A. Malhotra, T. S. Schmidt, J. Huenteler)
June 10-13, 2018: “Do large global cities deliver on their climate commitments? The case of urban solar PV investment”, 41st IAEE International Conference, Groningen/Netherlands (B. Steffen, T. S. Schmidt, P. Tautorat)
June 10-13, 2018: “Dynamics of Renewable Energy Finance: The example of Germany”, 41st IAEE International Conference, Groningen/Netherlands (F. Egli, B. Steffen, T. S. Schmidt)
May 30, 2018: "Finanzierung von Erneuerbaren – globale Trends", Kapitalmarktforum Schweiz, Zürich, Schweiz (T. S. Schmidt)
May 29, 2018: “Current and future energy performance of power generation technologies in Switzerland", Swiss Federal Office of Energy, Ittigen, BE/Switzerland (T. S. Schmidt, B. Steffen, D. Hischier)
May 15-17, 2018: “The role of public investment & development banks in enabling or constraining new power generation technologies”, Sustainable Energy Transitions Initiative 2018 meeting, Duke University, Durham, NC/United States (B. Steffen, T. S. Schmidt)
May 15-17, 2018: “Opening new markets for renewables: The role of project developers for the energy transition in developing countries”, Sustainable Energy Transitions Initiative 2018 meeting, Duke University, Durham, NC/United States (B. Steffen, T. Matsuo, D. Steinemann, T. S. Schmidt)
*April 16, 2018: "Economic and environmental assessment of different battery technologies for different grid network applications", Discussion Forum Life-Cycle Assessment, Zurich/Switzerland (T. S. Schmidt, M. Beuse, B. Steffen & colleagues from PSI and UNIGE)
April 13, 2018: “The role of project developers in the global diffusion of renewables”, Conference Low Carbon Transformation and Sustainable Development – Status Quo and Research Outlook, Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin/Germany (B. Steffen, T. Matsuo, T. S. Schmidt)
*April 13, 2018: "The co-evolution of public policy and technology – how policy-induced technological change feeds back into politics", Lunch Seminar, Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS), Potsdam/Germany (T. S. Schmidt)
April 10-14, 2018: “Explaining the evolution of advocacy coalitions through technological feedback effects”, ECPR Joint-Session, Panel: Conceptual advances and comparative ACF research, University of Nicosia, Nicosia/Cyprus (N. Schmid, T. S. Schmidt, S. Sewerin)
April 10-12, 2018: “Overcoming diffusion barriers for low-carbon energy technologies: The transformative role of state investment banks in Australia, the UK and Germany”, Spring Campus Workshop on Accelerating Technological Sustainability Transition, Freie Universität, Berlin/Germany (A. Geddes, T. S. Schmidt, B. Steffen)
April 9, 2018: “Technological Learning in Low-Carbon Innovation Policy”, Center for International Environment and Resource Policy Research Seminar, Tufts University, Boston/USA (A. Malhotra, T. S. Schmidt, J. Huenteler)
April 3, 2018: "Current and future energy performance of power generation technologies in Switzerland", Release of Study commissioned by the Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences (SATW), Zurich/Switzerland (B. Steffen, T. S. Schmidt)
*March 14, 2018: “Wie können zusätzliche Emissionsreduktionen effizient ausgelöst werden? – Paris Mechanism als Weiterentwicklung des CDM”, Workshop of the Zurich Carbon Market Association, Zurich/Switzerland (B. Steffen, D. Hischier, T. S. Schmidt)
February 14-16, 2018: “Renewable Energy Technology Characteristics and the Dynamics of New Market Openings”, EnInnov 2018: 15. Symposium Energieinnovation, TU Graz, Graz/Austria (B. Steffen, T. Matsuo, D. Steinemann, T.S. Schmidt)
February 14-16, 2018: “Life Cycle Emissions and Life Cycle Cost Analysis for Stationary Batteries in Different Geographies”, EnInnov 2018: 15. Symposium Energieinnovation, TU Graz, Graz/Austria (M. Beuse, T. S. Schmidt, X. Zhang, B. Steffen, S.F. Schneider, A. Pena Bello, C. Bauer, D. Parra Mendoza)
*January 17-19, 2018: "Green growth policies for renewable energy: Reducing the cost of capital via state investment banks", 2nd Conference on Financial Networks and Sustainability, FINEXUS Center at University of Zurich, Zurich/Switzerland (B. Steffen, T. S. Schmidt)
*December 11, 2017: "The Paris Agreement - a paradigm shift in global climate policy and politics", Workshop on Innovative Climate Advocacy, Climate-KIC Siwtzerland, Zurich/Switzerland (T. S. Schmidt)
December 6, 2017: "The role of public banks in climate finance", China–Switzerland Climate Finance Cooperation Workshop, Center for Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability at University of Zurich, Zurich/Switzerland (B. Steffen, T. S. Schmidt)
*November 10, 2017: "Im Widerspruch: Brauchen neue Technologien staatliche Unterstützung?", Fachtagung Energiestrategie 2.0, Schweizerische Energie-Stiftung, Zurich/Switzerland (T. S. Schmidt)
November 9, 2017: "Market mechanisms 2.0: Whereto from here? Moving from the Kyoto regime to the Paris scheme", UNFCCC Climate Conference (COP23), Bonn/Germany (B. Steffen and T. S. Schmidt)
November 2, 2017: "The Role of Deployment Policy Design in Selecting Technologies: Remodeling the Case of the German Solar PV Deployment Policy", APPAM 39th Annual Fall Research Conference, Chicago/USA (L. Haelg, M. Waelchli and T. S. Schmidt)
October 20, 2017: "The role of multilateral development banks as enabler for new power generation technologies", Strommarkttreffen ‘Energiewende Global’, Reiner Lemoine Institute, Berlin/Germany (B. Steffen, T. S. Schmidt)
*October 18, 2017: "The Paris Agreement - how it came about and what it implies", SCCER School 2017 - Shaping the Energy Transition. Engelberg/Switzerland (T. S. Schmidt)
*September 27, 2017: “Enabling Private Investments in Developing Countries”, ETH Zurich Partnership Council Energy, Zurich/Switzerland (T.S. Schmidt)
*Sept 27, 2017: “The Role of Development Banks for Energy Finance”, ETH Zurich Partnership Council Energy, Zurich/Switzerland (B. Steffen)
September 21, 2017: "The role of finance: Dynamics of investment risks and financing conditions for renewable energy”, INNOPATHS Finance Stakeholder Workshop, Utrecht University School of Economics, Utrecht/Netherlands (B. Steffen, F. Egli, T. S. Schmidt)
September 21, 2017: " Dynamics in risks and financing conditions - first results from investor survey”, INNOPATHS Finance Stakeholder Workshop, Utrecht University School of Economics, Utrecht/Netherlands (F. Egli, B. Steffen, T. S. Schmidt)
*Sept 18, 2017: "Insuring low-carbon energy systems", Swiss Re Engineering Underwriting Forum, Rüschlikon/Switzerland (T. S. Schmidt, B. Steffen, F. Egli)
September 04-06, 2017: “The importance of project finance in the transition to low-carbon power systems – insights from Germany”, 15th IAEE European Conference, Vienna/Austria (B. Steffen)
June 30, 2017: "The Impact of the Economic Crisis on Renewable Energy Policy Mixes: A Comparative Analysis of Macro-, Meso- and Micro- Policy Dynamics," 3rd International Conference on Public Policy, Singapore/Singapore (S. Sewerin, T. S. Schmidt)
June 29, 2017: "Does policy design predict a policy mix’s future outlook? A new approach to analyzing path-dependency," 3rd International Conference on Public Policy, Singapore/Singapore (B. Bateson, T. S. Schmidt, S. Sewerin)
June 29, 2017: "The Effect of Deployment Policy Design on the Lock-In of Innovative Technologies – A Model of Alternative Policy Design Scenarios and the Case of the Solar PV Feed-In Tariff in Germany," 3rd International Conference on Public Policy, Singapore/Singapore (L. Haelg, M. Waelchli, T. S. Schmidt)
June 29, 2017: "Greening industrialization: Understanding how a technology’s product architecture and use environment affect local low-carbon industry development ," 3rd International Conference on Public Policy, Singapore/Singapore (T. Matsuo, T. S. Schmidt, A. Malhotra)
June 28, 2017: " The Multi-purpose Character of Battery Storage: Implications for Energy Policy", Roundtable on Future District Energy Systems, Future Cities Laboratory & ETH Energy Science Center, Singapore/Singapore (T. S. Schmidt)
June 28, 2017: "Evolving interest coalitions and deployment policy design: Comparing the Swiss and German feed-in tariffs for renewable energy," 3rd International Conference on Public Policy, Singapore/Singapore (L. Haelg, T. S. Schmidt, S. Sewerin)
June 28, 2017: "The evolution and effects of policy mixes for low-carbon energy transitions," 3rd International Conference on Public Policy, Singapore/Singapore (T. S. Schmidt, S. Sewerin)
June 18-21, 2017: “The role of multilateral development banks in enabling or constraining new power generation technologies in emerging economies”, 40th IAEE International Conference, Singapore/Singapore (B. Steffen, T. S. Schmidt)
June 18-21, 2017: “Greening industrialization: Understanding how a technology’s product architecture and use environment affect local low-carbon industry development,” 8th International Sustainability Transitions Conference, Gothenburg/Sweden (T. Matsuo, T. S. Schmidt, A. Malhotra)
June 18-21, 2017: “An analysis of design-feature dynamics and effects in policy mixes - the case of technology-specificity and renewable energy policy,” 8th International Sustainability Transitions Conference, Gothenburg/Sweden (T. S. Schmidt, S. Sewerin)
June 18-21, 2017: “Understanding the effect of deployment policy design on technology diffusion -- Remodelling alternative designs in the historical case of the solar PV feed-in tariff in Germany,” 8th International Sustainability Transitions Conference, Gothenburg/Sweden (L. Haelg, M. Waelchli, T. S. Schmidt)
June 15-16, 2017: "The impact of global cities‘ climate action – do their commitments translate into effective regulation?“, 6th Florence Conference in the Regulation of Infrastructures, EUI Florence/Italy (B. Steffen, T. S. Schmidt)
June 06-09, 2017: "The role of public investment & development banks in enabling or constraining new power generation technologies“, 14th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM17), TU Dresden, Germany (B. Steffen, T. S. Schmidt)
*May 21, 2017: “Which public policies are needed to avoid dangerous levels of climate change?”, Human Dimensions of Environmental Risks Conference, ETH Zurich, Monte Verità, Ascona/Switzerland (T.S. Schmidt)
May 18, 2017: "Opening the black box of the co-evolution of policy and technology: The role of policy design for technology lock-in", Forschungstag D-GESS, ETH Zurich, Zurich/Switzerland (T. S. Schmidt, L. Haelg)
May 9, 2017: "Considering different types of learning in low-carbon energy innovation policy", 5th Symposium SCCER Heat and Electricity Storage, Villigen/Switzerland (A. Malhotra, T. S. Schmidt, J. Huenteler)
May 8, 2017: “Engaging with the Logics of Regulatory Policy Change: Developing a Forward-Looking Approach for Public Policy Design”, Cologne Center for Comparative Politics (CCCP) Research Seminar (S. Sewerin, B. Cashore, M. Howlett)
April 3, 2017: "Technology-related actors and the diffusion of renewable energy policy: The case of the Swiss and German feed-in tariffs", 1st International Conference on Energy Research and Social Science, Sitges/Spain (L. Haelg, T. S. Schmidt, S. Sewerin)
*April 3, 2017: "Energy policy and the investment challenge", panel discussion at ETH Zurich's Energy Science Center event "The Global Energy Challenge: A Corporate View", Zurich/Switzerland (T. S. Schmidt)
*March 29, 2017: "The role of policy design in inducing technological change in the energy sector", 4th Educational workshop of the Simulation Lab, SCCER CREST, Zurich/Switzerland (T. S. Schmidt)
March 15, 2017: "Why are policy mixes needed for sectoral transformations?", Zurich Carbon Market Association workshop, Zurich/Switzerland (T. S. Schmidt)
March 15, 2017: "IPA but no beer - empirical insights into the evolution of low-carbon energy policy mixes", Zurich Carbon Market Association workshop, Zurich/Switzerland (S. Sewerin)
*March 2, 2017: "The role of public policy for innovation and investment in energy storage", Swiss Re Expert workshop on A Risk Approach to Grid Electricity Storage Systems, Rüschlikon/Switzerland (T. S. Schmidt)
February 16-20, 2017: "Accelerating low-carbon innovation through policy", AAAS Annual Meeting 2017: Serving Society Through Science Policy, panel together with Jessika Trancik (MIT) and Masaru Yarime (Tokyo Univ.), Boston/USA (T. S. Schmidt)
*February 16, 2017: "Energy technologies' innovation and learning patterns", ETH Zurich Alumni New England Chapter, presentation together with Jessika Trancik (MIT), Boston/USA (T. S. Schmidt)
*February 13, 2017: "An analysis of technology differences in innovation patterns and its implications for low-carbon policy design", Center for Climate and Energy Decision Making Seminars, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh/USA (T. S. Schmidt)
February 9, 2017: "Betting on policies? New energy business models and regulatory risk", 4th SmartER Europe Conference 2017: Smart Energy Research at the crossroads of Engineering, Economics and Computer Science, Essen/Germany (B. Steffen)
January 31, 2017: "How does environmental policy become 'sticky'? Exploring the logics of environmental policy change", Tuesday Colloquium, Chair of Forest and Environmental Policy, Freiburg i.B./Germany (S. Sewerin)
*December 14, 2016: "Energiespeicherung: Wie können private Investitionen und Innovation gefördert werden?" with Prof. Renate Schubert (ETH), ETH Zurich, Energy Science Center Symposium: Die Zukunft der Energiespeicher: Trends und offene Fragen, Zurich/Switzerland (T.S. Schmidt, R. Schubert)
November 4, 2016: "Tailoring Deployment Policies to Technology-Specific Learning Patterns: An Analysis of Knowledge Feedbacks in Three Clean Energy Technology Supply Chains", 2016 APPAM Fall Research Conference, Washington D.C./USA (A. Malhotra, T. S. Schmidt, J. Huenteler)
*November 1, 2016: "How to Make Renewable Energy Investments in Developing Countries Attractive for The Private Sector", Georgetown University, Energy and Climate Policy Seminar, hosted by the Mortara Center for International Studies and the McCourt School of Public Policy, Washington D.C./USA (T. S. Schmidt)
*October 31, 2016: "Energy Access: Deriksing on- and off-grid renewable energy investments", Duke University, Energy Week, Durham/USA (T. S. Schmidt)
October 25, 2016: "Understanding the Effect of Deployment Policy Design on Renewable Energy Technology Diffusio", UZH/ETH Zürich Network on Interdisciplinary Climate Research Workshop, Zürich/Switzerland (L. Haelg, T. S. Schmidt, M. Wälchli)
*September 28, 2016: "Derisking Small-Scale Renewable Energy Investment", Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies event on "Developing a Sustainable Energy Supply for Africa: Opportunities for Investment and Economic Transformation”, Potsdam/Germany (A. Malhotra)
September 20-22, 2016: "Financing 1.5 degrees: "The role of ‘green’ State Investment Banks in addressing the finance gap for renewables", external page 1.5 degrees conference, Oxford/UK (T. S. Schmidt, A. Geddes)
September 21-22, 2016: "The role of State Investment Banks in enabling low-carbon technological change", external page BIEEexternal page Conference: Innovation and Disruption: the energy sector in transition, Oxford/UK (A. Geddes, T. S. Schmidt)
September 8, 2016: "The role of State Investment Banks in enabling low-carbon technological change", SPRU’s 50th Anniversary conference on ‘"Transforming Innovation", Brighton/UK (A. Geddes, T. S. Schmidt)
September 8, 2016: "Designing Policy Mixes for Transformative Changes: Towards a Common Framework", SPRU’s 50th Anniversary conference on ‘"Transforming Innovation", Brighton/UK (S. Sewerin, T. S. Schmidt)
September 8, 2016: "Tailoring innovation policies to technology-specific learning patterns: An analysis of knowledge feedbacks in three clean energy technology innovation systems", SPRU’s 50th Anniversary conference on ‘"Transforming Innovation", Brighton/UK (A. Malhotra, T. S. Schmidt, J. Huenteler)
July 6, 2016: “Tailoring innovation policies to technology-specific learning patterns: An analysis of knowledge feedbacks in three clean energy technology innovation systems”, 16th conference of the International Schumpeter Society, Montréal/Canada (A. Malhotra, T. S. Schmidt, J. Huenteler)
July 6-8, 2016: "Does strategic direction make a difference? The role of policy strategies in shaping regulatory policy mixes.", 6th ECPR Standing Group on Regulatory Governance Conference, Tilburg/Netherlands (S. Sewerin, J. Rayner, A. Wellstead)
July 6-8, 2016: "Engaging with the Logics of Regulatory Policy Change: Developing a Forward-Looking Approach for Environmental Policy Design.", 6th ECPR Standing Group on Regulatory Governance Conference, Tilburg/Netherlands (S. Sewerin, B. Cashore, M. Howlett)
June 17, 2016: "Renewable energy policy as an enabler for fossil fuel subsidy reform?", Lund University and Stockholm Environmental Institute Workshop on "The Politics of Fossil Fuel Subsidies", Stockholm/Sweden (T. Matsuo, T. S. Schmidt)
June 17, 2016: "An Analysis of Technology-Specificity Dynamics in Renewable Energy Policies", 2nd Annual Conference on Environmental Politics & Governance, Gerzensee/Switzerland (T. S. Schmidt, S. Sewerin)
June 9, 2016: "Tailoring innovation policies to technology-specific learning patterns - An analysis of the locus of learning and knowledge feedbacks in three clean energy technology innovation systems", 2016 EU-SPRI Conference, Lund/Sweden (A. Malhotra, T. S. Schmidt, J. Huenteler)
June 3, 2016: "The Index of Policy Activity. From policy innovation patterns to a full-scale research program on policy change.", INOGOV Working Group 4 meeting on "New directions in climate policy and governance: polycentricity in action", Bratislava/Slovakia (S. Sewerin)
June 2, 2016: "Climate policy dynamics in small European countries. Little leaders or big laggards?", Workshop on "Small European states and the politics of climate change", Dublin/Ireland (S. Sewerin, T. S. Schmidt)
May 27, 2016: "Scaling up investments in decentralized renewable energy: The role of aggregation and spatial diversification", INOGOV Workshop on "Climate Policy Innovation and the Access to Clean Energy Technology in Developing Countries, Geneva/Switzerland (A. Malhotra, T. S. Schmidt, L. Haelg, O. Waissbein)
May 26, 2016: "Renewable energy policy as an enabler for fossil fuel subsidy reform?", INOGOV Workshop on "Climate Policy Innovation and the Access to Clean Energy Technology in Developing Countries, Geneva/Switzerland (T. Matsuo, T. S. Schmidt)
April 8, 2016: "How to measure environmental policy change and assess complex policy mixes? A comprehensive approach applied to renewable energy policy?", Department Environmental Social Sciences, EAWAG, Dübendorf/Switzerland (S. Sewerin)
April 4, 2016: "Der Energiesektor im Wandel - zur Wechselwirkung von Politik und Innovation", Inaugural Lecture, Department of Humanities, Social and Political Sciences, ETH Zurich, Zurich/Switzerland (T. S. Schmidt)
January 20, 2016: "Derisking renewable energy investments : does the Paris outcome facilitate the task?", Zurich Carbon Market Association Workshop "Digesting the Paris Outcome", Zurich/Switzerland (T. S. Schmidt)
January 19, 2016: "On the interaction of energy policy, politics and technological change", CIS Annual Colloquium, Zurich/Switzerland (T. S. Schmidt)
December 09, 2015: "Scaling-up investment in clean energy in developing countries", UN Climate Change Talks (UNFCCC COP21), Official side event, Paris/France (A. Malhotra, T. S. Schmidt)
December 01, 2015: "Distributed Generation and Smart Grids - An Economic and Policy Perspective", ESC workshop, Zürich/Switzerland (T. S. Schmidt)
November 17, 2015: Round table expert discussion, pre-COP21 event on climate action and possible outcomes of the UN conference, Climate KIC/GreenBuzz (T. S. Schmidt)
November 12, 2015: "From low-carbon technology transfer to industry localization: The role of technological capabilities and technology difference", United Nations University, Expert workshop on low carbon technology transfer: The German experience, Berlin/Germany (T. S. Schmidt)
November 6, 2015: "A Spatial Analysis of Portfolio Derisking Effects for Rural Electrification Investments", 7th Workshop of the Swiss Association of Energy Economics - Student Chapter, Zürich/Switzerland (L. Haelg)
November 4, 2015: Tischgespräche zum Thema "Klima, Politik und internationale Verhandlungen", ETH-Klimarunde 2015, Zürich/Switzerland (T. S. Schmidt)
November 3, 2015: "Policy strategies to engage the private sector in low-carbon infrastructure investment", Economic Policy Forum/G20 Roundtable Sustainable Infrastructure Development – Challenges and Opportunities for Emerging Economies, Beijing/China (T. S. Schmidt)
October 29, 2015: "Anticipating Industry Localization Effects of Clean-Technology Deployment Policies in Developing Countries",Conference on the Sustainable Development Strategies for Energy S&T Industry: Risk, Economics and Policy, Taipei/Taiwan (T. S. Schmidt, J. Huenteler)
October 27, 2015: "De-risking policies for energy investment in developing countries", Energy Learning Circle, OIKOS Futurelab, St. Gallen/Switzerland (T. S. Schmidt)
September 23, 2015: "Energie- und klimapolitischer Instrumentenmix - Lessons learned", ZCMA Workshop zur Rolle marktbasierter Instrumente in der Architektur der inländischen Klimapolitik nach 2020, Zürich/Switzerland (T. S. Schmidt)
August 10, 2015: “Avoiding premature technology lock-in through deployment policies”, Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2015, Vancouver/Canada (T. S. Schmidt, B. Battke, D. Grosspietsch, V. H. Hoffmann)
June 14, 2015: "Technology and Innovation under the G20" - G20-T20 Workshop, Izmir/Turkey (T. S. Schmidt)
June 13, 2015: “Attracting private investment through NAMAs: the role of risk, return and policy design“, UNFCCC Asia-Pacific and Eastern Europe Workshop on NAMAs, Bonn/Germany (T. S. Schmidt)
May 19, 2015: "Sectorial views on technology innovation and diffusion", G20-T20 Regional Seminar on Innovation and Technology Diffusion, Berlin/Germany (T. S. Schmidt)
May 18, 2015: "Instruments for innovation and technology", G20-T20 Regional Seminar on Innovation and Technology Diffusion, Berlin/Germany (T. S. Schmidt)
March 11, 2015: “Assessment of financing gaps for key mitigation technologies and requirements for climate finance instruments”, Annual Meeting, Zurich Carbon Market Association, Zurich/Switzerland (T. S. Schmidt)
December 3, 2014: "De-risking: designing cost-effective NAMAs to attract private sector investment", Side Event at UNFCCC Conference of the Parties (COP20), Lima/Peru (T. S. Schmidt)
November 24, 2014: "Derisking Renewable Energy Investments in Developing Countries: A Means to Attract Private Capital and Reduce CO2 Abatement Costs", Research Seminar, Carnegie Institution for Science, Stanford/USA (T. S. Schmidt)
November 7, 2014: "Avoiding premature technology lock-in through deployment policies – A simulation of investment decisions in technologies with multiple applications (batteries)", Policy and Economics Research Roundtable Seminar, Stanford University, Stanford/USA (T. S. Schmidt, B. Battke, S. Stollenwerk, V. H. Hoffmann)
October 23, and November 6, 2014: "Climate Policy and Technological Change", Energy Research Group Seminar: "Climate Change Adaption and Mitigation: Global Analysis and Regional Response", UC Berkeley, Berkeley/USA (T. S. Schmidt, M. R. Taylor)
October 2, 2014: "Attracting private investment through NAMAs: the role of risk, return and policy design", UNFCCC Africa Regional Workshop on NAMAs (T. S. Schmidt)