Dr. Bessie Noll

Bessie Noll

Clausiusstrasse 37
Room CLD C 13
CH-8092 Zürich

Phone: +41 44 633 8582

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Dr. Bessie Noll joined the Energy and Technology Policy Group in February 2020 as a PhD candidate under the external pageEU Horizons 2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie Grant Agreement. She succesfully defended her PhD in September 2023 and is now continuing as a senior researcher. Her research focus is on the energy transition in the transport sector. She is specifically involved in forecasting future market shares of alternative drive vehicles in the mobility sector, but is more broadly interested in the effects of policy intervention on the development of clean energy technologies and transitional outcomes of modern energy systems.

Bessie holds a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering and a Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering and Energy Systems from external pageStanford University.

Prior to joining EPG, Bessie has conducted research with Stanford’s external pageBDML and external pageAdvanced Energy Systems Lab working with curved surface gripper robotics and CO2 capture methodologies respectively. She has also researched with the University of Edinburgh’s external pageSchool of Informatics, analyzing the spatial-temporal correlation between right wing activist Tweets and Syrian refugee camp attacks in Germany. As a master’s student at Stanford, she TA’d a variety of classes ranging from material science to advanced system thermodynamics. Bessie also took part in Stanford’s external pageGlobal Engineering Program, traveling to Dolakha, Nepal with a team of engineers to design homes for rural villages that were victims of the 2015 earthquake.

Bessie was born and grew up in Japan and has played competitive baseball/softball for much of her life. She played four years of D1 softball for the Stanford Cardinal and competed for Team USA in two Woman’s Baseball World Cups (ironically losing to Japan both times in the gold medal game).

In her spare time, Bessie enjoys purchasing expensive cups of specialty coffee. Alas, Zurich does not yet have a Philz, but she is making do.

Selected publications

Peer-reviewed journal articles

Other publications

Noll, B., Iten, T., Lüscher, F. (2021). A synthesized analysis of the state of the «advanced» US nuclear industry. Schweizerische Energiestiftung Publication. Available external pagehere.

Noll, B. (2021). Exklusiv-Reportage aus Japan: Der lange Weg zurück; Stimmen aus dem Exil; Wohin steuert Japans Energiepolitik?. Energie & Umwelt 1/2021, 8-​19. Schweizerische Energiestiftung. external pageMagazine websiteexternal pageFull magazine.

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