Paul Tautorat

Paul Tautorat

Clausiusstrasse 37
Room CLD C 5
CH-8092 Zürich


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Since April 2021, Paul has been a PhD candidate at both ETH’s Climate Finance and Policy Group (CFP) and the Energy and Technology Policy Group (EPG) co-supervised by Prof. Dr. Bjarne Steffen and Prof. Dr. Tobias Schmidt. Financed by the Swiss Federal Office of Energy’s “Energy-Economy-Society” (external pageESS) research programme, he concentrates his research on the impact of energy and climate policy on the decarbonisation of Swiss industry (DECARBIN project).

Paul studied Mechanical Engineering at ETH. During his Master’s degree, he co-authored a paper in external pageClimate Policy on cities’ climate commitments and articles in external pageJoule and external pagepv magazine on experience curves for O&M costs of renewables. During his Bachelor’s degree, he gained experience in the fields of carbon fibre reinforced plastics (CFRP) with external pageBMW’s R&D department, digitalization with external pageAudi Consulting and car manufacturing at external pageVolkswagen.

Prior to re-joining ETH, Paul worked as a Consultant in the energy and utilities practice of Arthur D. Little (external pageADL) on projects in Europe and the Middle East and contributed to Arthur D. Little’s hydrogen competence centre.

In his spare time, Paul likes cooking, gardening and doing all kinds of sports, in particular cycling.

Selected publications

Peer-reviewed journal articles

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