Florian Müller


Clausiusstrasse 37    
Room CLD C14.2
CH-​8092 Zürich

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Florian Müller joined the Energy and Technology Policy Group as a PhD candidate in May 2023. His research focuses on advanced geothermal power and is funded by external pageInnosuisse within the project AEGIS-CH.  In particular, he aims to understand the innovation and financing patterns of geothermal energy. This includes deriving historic learning rates and projecting them for future technologies. Furthermore, Florian researches the financing costs of geothermal energy and their dynamics and drivers, with the eventual goal of finding energy and policy designs that reduce the overall cost of electricity and heat from geothermal energy.

Florian holds a B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering from external pageTechnical University Munich (TUM). He  conducted his bachelor thesis at the external pageSystem Architecture Lab at the external pageMassachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), his semester thesis at external pageTRANSP-OR lab at the external pageEcole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), and his master thesis at external pageTUM Create in Singapore.

Florian received scholarships from the external pageDeutschlandstipendium, jointly sponsored by the Federal Government of Germany and external pageMAN Truck & Bus, the external pageSwiss-European Mobility Programme, and the external pageMIT Sandbox Innovation Fund, among others.

During his studies, Florian authored multiple papers on cost-efficient ways to decarbonize currently diesel-operated regional railways. Florian’s additional former research topics include battery aging and computational optimization. Before joining EPG, Florian worked two years in consulting, at the Munich-based automotive consulting firm external pageBerylls Strategy Advisors. Florian gained further practical experience as an intern in the product strategy department of MAN Truck & Bus. Prior to his studies, he completed a vocational training as a mechatronics engineer.

In his free time, Florian keeps switching around between too many different outdoor sports activities, including mountaineering, ski touring, climbing, mountain biking, road cycling, running, and sailing. On rainy days, he loves reading about all kinds of topics around technology or politics over some good coffee or wine.

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Conference Papers

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