Patrick Böhni

Patrick Böhni


Clausiusstrasse 37
CH-​8092 Zürich

Patrick's journey began with a hands-on approach. As an agricultural mechanic, he found satisfaction in repairing machinery, but his curiosity ran deeper. He was not only interested in how to fix things, but much more curious about how they actually work. So he pursued a bachelor's degree in renewable energy at external pageZHAW. Still curious to learn more, he transferred to ETH for a Master's in Energy Science and Technology, focusing on control and optimization. During his Master's studies, he worked at external pageClimeworks as a Process Controls Engineer, designing, implementing and commissioning new steps to improve the process.

While he enjoyed his engineering work, a question arose: did he want to focus solely on the technical aspects? His inquisitive nature yearned to explore the broader societal implications of technology. This introspection brought moments of doubt and sparked a desire to find a deeper purpose that connected his technical skills with a broader impact.

It was during this period of self-discovery that Patrick stumbled upon EPG, which he joined in January 2024. Patrick's current focus is his Master's thesis entitled "Decarbonization of Personal Transport on the African Continent. Can BEVs pave the way?"

In his free time, Patrick enjoys being outdoors with friends, spending time with his family, and pondering life's questions.

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