Dr. Bjarne Steffen

Bjarne Steffen

Haldeneggsteig 4
Room IFW D 29.1
CH-8092 Zürich

Phone: +41 44 633 85 45
E-mail: bjarne.steffen@gess.ethz.ch

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Bjarne Steffen was a senior researcher and lecturer with the Energy and Technology Policy Group since 2016, and a visiting scholar with the external page MIT Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research since 2019. He received an ERC Starting Grant in 2020 and was appointed as Assistant Professor and Head of the Climate Finance and Policy Group at ETH Zurich in 2021. His research focuses on the role of public policy and of finance (investment, lending, underwriting) for technological change in the energy sector, using modelling and data-​driven empirical methods.

While at EPG, Bjarne was part of the EU Horizon 2020 project external page INNOPATHS (Innovation Pathways, Strategies and Policies for the Low-​​Carbon Transition in Europe) and of the external page Swiss Competence Center for Energy Research. Before joining ETH Zurich, Bjarne worked as Principal in the external page Boston Consulting Group’s energy and infrastructure practices and was project manager for the Strategic Infrastructure Initiative at the external page World Economic Forum. He studied economics at external page University of Mannheim and the external page University of California at Berkeley, and holds a PhD in energy economics from external page University of Duisburg-​Essen (chair Prof. Weber).

Selected publications

Peer-reviewed journal articles

Books & Book chapters

Photovoltaics and Storage Plants: Efficient Capacities in a System View
Böcker, B., Steffen, B., Weber, C.
In: B. Sorensen (editor), Solar Energy Storage, chapter 9, Elsevier, p. 209-223, 2015. external page doi: 10.1016/B978-0-12-409540-3.00009-8


Policy reports

Schmidt, T. S., Egli, F., Pahle, M., Polzin, F., Steffen, B. (2020). Finance for Decarbonisation: Financing the European low-carbon energy transition requires strong, consistent policies and low interest rates. Innopaths Policy BriefDownload download file (PDF, 706 KB)

Egli, F., Steffen, B., Schmidt, T.S. (2019). Learning in the financial sector is essential for reducing renewable energy costs. Policy Brief, Nature Energy, 4, 835–836. external page https://www.nature.com/articles/s41560-019-0482-3

Steffen, B., Hischier, D., Schmidt, T.S. (2018): Current and future energy performance of power generation technologies in Switzerland, report published by the Swiss Academy for Engineering Sciences SATW, Zurich. Report website. external page Report website.

United Nations Environment (2018). Emissions Gap Report 2018, Chapter 6. Bridging the gap: Fiscal reforms for the low-carbon transition, and Chapter 7. Bridging the gap: The role of innovation policy and market creation (contributing author) external page Report website.

United Nations Environment (2018). Emissions Gap Report 2018, Chapter 7. Bridging the gap: The role of innovation policy and market creation (contributing authors from EPG: Anna Geddes (affiliated), Bjarne Steffen) external page Report website